Professional Photography ~ Photo Processing ~ Writing

Professional Photography ~ Photo Processing ~ Writing



20,064 light drink combinations
new sweet potato tots
tasty add ons
frozen zone
sweet and spicy, swicey
footlong quarter pound coney
mozzarella sticks chile cheese
potato tots chicken club
egg sandwich burrito
drive in eat in car cold
drink cups
paper bags plastic forks
french fries
coca cola
ketchup in radiated plastic tube
after burger cigarette
convenience store or payroll
we cash checks buy one get one free
burrito packed in warehouse
mexico, chinese egg roll
trucked frozen
china fish in market
sunny day
cold windy
sky bluer here
casino free hot chocolate from cup
gambler winning by door
slot machine poker buy native cigarettes
2.80 pack
twenty cigs
cheaper by carton 200 cigs
five pack
buy more when get money
clothing at junk shop
ten cents each
buy bleach and dye
sell in spring summer fourth of july
survival of the fittest
most creative golden Dharma
Thank You
here is happiness
in this the day
when weather warm
go to town sit by little creek they call a river
watch the sun sparkle white light reflections
bubbly surface
little mountain cottages
away from city
why shop walmart?
chips ice cream
who eats beans rice?
who buys flour
bakes bread?
who makes salsa cilantro jalapeno tomato?
why put cisteine from boiled chinese hair
into simple american bread?
what industry?
back to electronic village
internet information highway
so long commute
goodbye five dollar loaf unfit
corporate bread
big industry warehouse
truck city highways
once a golden place to stop

arc of the covenant rainbows
instant as ramen noodles
no thought
simple ecstacy

 ©Rosalyn Stevenson (All Rights Reserved)


Let us drape our streets with red cloths,
Paint our faces with mad designs,
And dance together for the day.
Let us fall asleep upon velvet pillows
Wrapped in tapestries and each other’s arms,
Arise with the glowing sun and do it all again.

Happy children whose origin is unknown
Whose end is always near,
Frail flesh with tender hopes,
Small against the cosmic vastness
We tease ourselves to understand
What ecstasy to unbind
The thought form limitations
Of our collective “bind-mind”.
We await a messiah to set us free
When freedom is ours to take
If only we will it to be
If only we would not be
Wooden dolls, arms pinned
By our own thinking thoughts
Of lack.
All around us
Electrons sing to one another
Humming our road side lights
Share and speak
In photons one to another
While we remain in the dark prison
Of our minds
Outsiders in the Dream
We ourselves do dream—unaware.

©Rosalyn Stevenson (All Rights Reserved)


The mind slips into reverie,
Memory slithers up from it’s grave,
A two headed serpent
Bringing both pleasure and pain.
Hiss hiss.
The Tarot deck dances in the corner,
Spreading itself upon the table and walls,
Into animated configurations
That don’t stay very long.

Gentlemen dreams
Too preoccupied with politeness
To open the door
They’ve just knocked upon,
Hang outside the bar room door
Smoking cigars and with pleading eyes,
Stumble home in taxis
That resemble hearses.

A voice once lost
Rejoices to have been found.
Sitting on a car hood
It bellows
Like a brandy bottle horn.
Ba heep, ba hoop,
A crow answers, caw,
Red sky, silver moon,
Black sky,
Not a moment too soon.

©Rosalyn Stevenson (All Rights Reserved)


Buzzing busy daylight
Solar electrons
Sporting brand new haircuts
Wearing shiny plastic name badges
All set to partake of
A million thwarted causes
Ten billion forsaken promises
Eeons of missed opportunities
And unrealized possibilities.

©Rosalyn Stevenson (All Rights Reserved)